About us
It has been more than 10 years since the start of the gathering by East London Alliance Church (ELAC) congregation. ELAC intends to register as a charity with the UK Government later at an appropriate time. She is affiliated with the Chinese Alliance Churches Union (UK) (CACU). At present, the average number of regular worship congregation is approximately 50 people every Sunday. There are about 20 students in the children's Sunday school every week. At the end of 2022, the ELAC Board of Deacons was established, with four deacons in addition to the head of the church, Revd Tai Ming Pang, who are responsible for planning and developing the church ministry. Regular meetings include: Putonghua and Cantonese joint communion Sunday services on the first Sunday of each month (conducted in Putonghua with Cantonese interpretation during sermons); Separate worship services on other Sundays of the month (2pm in Putonghua, 3:30pm in Cantonese); Sunday school for children (during joint worship or Putonghua worship sessions); Cantonese Bible Study Class held on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month from 8pm-10pm; Health seminars, summer Bible classes, retreat camps, Christmas and Chinese New Year celebrations and joint Good Friday services in collaboration with Deptford Methodist Church are held from time to time. ELAC has a baptism class every year to prepare for those who wish to be baptized and join ELAC.
Sunday Services
First Sunday of each month
Service in Chinese with Cantonese Translation: 14:00
Sunday school for children: 14:00
Sunday Service
(1) Service in Chinese: 14:00
Sunday school for children: 14:00
(2) Service in Cantonese: 15:30
Bible Study Fellowship
Cantonese Bible Study Fellowship
Tuesday of the first and third week of each month: 20:00-22:00 (online meeting)
(1) Cantonese Fellowship: First Sunday of each month: 15:30-16:30
(2) Chinese Fellowship: Third Sunday of each month: 15:15-16:15
campus ministry
1. Goldsmiths University Chaplaincy Centre
Wednesday 11:00-14:00
2. University of Greenwich (Greenwich/ Avery Hill Campus) Chaplaincy Centre
Friday 11:00-15:00
Contact: Revd Tai Ming Pang +44(0)7717893113
job vacancies
1. Part-time Church Administrator
Application Deadline: 31/10/2023